2020-2021 Gratitude Report
Director’s Message
Office of Advancement
As I reflect on the past year, I recognize how fortunate we are to be surrounded by so many who care deeply for the Augustinians and express their affection unselfishly with their time, talent, and treasure.
The most exciting part of our work is the ability to connect and reconnect with you in person.
Unfortunately, that was not possible last fiscal year. But that did not deter your generosity. The outpouring of support especially on Tolle Lege Day—our first-ever giving day—was overwhelming and most appreciated. It made me realize the enormous influence
that the Augustinians have on those to whom they minister. It was a year like no other in many respects. Your unwavering generosity provided much-needed funds to sustain the friars’ lives and their work. We are incredibly blessed and value your friendship, kindness, and all that you do on behalf of the Augustinian Friars.
May God bless you and keep you in good health.
Madonna Sutter
Director of Advancement