2020-2021 Gratitude Report
Augustinian Defenders of the Rights of the Poor (A.D.R.O.P.)
Lacie Michaelson-Fischley
Director of A.D.R.O.P.
There are a multitude of reasons why people wish to learn another language like English. For the English language learners in A.D.R.O.P.’s English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) class, most want to learn English for their children so they may fully understand the realities of their children’s English-speaking spheres. Apolonia, one of our ESOL learners explains, “I want to practice English because I have a daughter who has special needs and I need to take her to the doctor when she has appointments or go with her to her school… this is so important for me and my family, and it’s something that I’m happy to do for them.”
Thanks to the generosity of donors, A.D.R.O.P. is able to support an ESOL teacher and offer this class so that students like Apolonia can achieve their dreams of participating fully in their children’s lives.