You are Invited to Join the Augustinians - Virtually!
You are invited to celebrate two ordinations with the Augustinian Friars via livestream! Br. Daniel Madden, O.S.A. will be ordained to the priesthood and Br. Elizandro Contreras, O.S.A. will be ordained to the diaconate on Saturday, October 10, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. in the St. Thomas of Villanova Church on the campus of Villanova University. Philadelphia Archbishop Nelson Perez will be the ordaining bishop. For more details, click here.
On April 24th, Tolle Lege Day, the Province’s first-ever giving day, Fr. Michael Di Gregorio, O.S.A. celebrated Mass as we united in prayer to sustain us during this pandemic and to plead for its end. Click here, to view a video tape of the live-streamed Mass.
The Province’s Office of Justice and Peace sponsors a four-part webinar series on Saint Augustine and Catholic Social Teaching. Previous webinars are available on video. To learn more and to register, click here.
Download Villanova University’s Confessions of St. Augustine app to deepen your knowledge of the Confessions. Click here to download the app.
Participate in the Confessions of Saint Augustine Video Series with Fr. Art Purcaro, O.S.A. Click here for more details. Previous webinars are available on video.
Watch the groundbreaking of the Cascia Center. Visit the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia to learn more and watch the ceremony by clicking here.
Coming soon! Are you a Msgr. Bonner High graduate? The Augustinians are planning a reunion to take place in the fall of 2021. Click here to learn more and to find out how you can get involved!
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact any member of our Advancement team by clicking here.